Automotive Technologies & Eco-systems
Competence Center for Technology Strategy
Some transformations have been going on simultaneously in the automotive industry for several years. These include, on the one hand, the gradual transformation of the drives and, on the other hand, the introduction and continuous increase in digital functions. This not only affects the vehicles themselves, but also the entire value chain. This means: Processes have to be redesigned, new aspects such as software-defined-vehicle, cyber security and artificial intelligence have to be integrated. These developments are also changing the technology strategy in the VDA and its members.
Examples: The so-called "Green Deal" and the "digital decade" announced by the EU are moving closer together. Political initiatives and forthcoming legislative procedures increasingly contain both elements - digitization and sustainability. Because digital technologies can support and accelerate sustainable development in many areas - be it through data-driven increases in efficiency or digital innovations, for example in Catena-X with digital production value chains, or emission-free networked urban development.