Hildegard Müller has been President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry since 01.02.2020.
Hildegard Müller has been President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry since 01.02.2020.

Personal Résumé
Date of birth: 29.06.1967
Education: September 1987 to June 1989 Apprenticeship as a bank clerk
at Dresdner Bank AG in Düsseldorf
Studies: October 1989 to November 1994 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Business administration
Degree: Graduate in business administration
May 2016 – October 2019: Chief Operating Officer Grid & Infrastructure, Innogy SE
October 2008 – January 2016: Chief Executive Officer of BDEW e.V. (German Association of Energy and Water Industries), Berlin
November 2005 – September 2008: Minister of State to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
October 2002 – September 2008: Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag)
March 1995 – September 2008: Dresdner bank AG, Head of Department (activity suspended in November 2005)