Slight increase in new car registrations in February

    Berlin, March 02, 2022

    New registrations of electric vehicles are growing significantly – domestic production with a slight decline

    In Germany, 200,500 passenger cars were newly registered in February, an increase of 3 Percent compared to the same month last year. After the first two months, there is a total of 384,600 new vehicles (+6 Percent). Compared to the pre-COVID19 year 2019, the decrease in January and February was 28 Percent. The lack of primary products in production also has a dampening effect. It should also be noted that the figures for the same period in the previous year are distorted downwards due to the VAT reduction period which expired at the end of 2020.

    New electric vehicle registrations rose by 24 Percent year-on-year in February to 49,900 units. The share of electric cars in all new registrations last month was 24.9 Percent. New registrations of purely battery-electric passenger cars (BEV) increased by 55 Percent, while those of plug-in hybrids (PHEV) fell by 1 Percent. A total of 89,800 electric cars were registered in the first two months of this year, 16 Percent more than in the same period last year.

    Domestic orders also grew significantly in February, an increase of 15 Percent compared to the same month last year. In the year to date, domestic orders increased by 31 Percent. Orders from abroad developed less dynamically: German manufacturers recorded a 3 Percent drop in orders in February. Since the beginning of the year, orders from abroad have fallen by 5 Percent compared to the same period last year.

    Car production in Germany fell slightly in the past month. In February, German manufacturers produced 318,700 cars (-1 Percent). Since the beginning of the year, 570,700 passenger cars have been produced in Germany, 2 Percent more than in the same period of the previous year. With 231,200 new vehicles, exports were just above the previous year's level (+1 Percent). In the course of the year, exports were also slightly above the level of the previous year with a plus of 1 Percent. The current situation in Ukraine has not yet had any impact on the published figures, but is currently causing uncertainty.

    Februar 2022 Veränderung 22/21 in % Januar - Februar 2022 Veränderung 22/21 in %
    Neuzulassungen 200.500 3 384.600 6
    dt. Marken inkl. Konzernmarken 137.900 -2 271.400 1
    ausl. Marken 62.600 18 113.300 17
    Elektro (BEV,PHEV,FCEV) 49.930 24 89.800 16
    Export 231.200 1 412.000 1
    Produktion 318.700 -1 570.700 2
    *) z.T. vorläufig