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- European Agenda
- Emissions legislation for cars

European Agenda
Emissions legislation for cars
The EU Commission calls for zero emissions - whether CO₂ or NOx, - for mobility in the future. The automotive industry expressly embraces this goal. Yet the forthcoming Euro7 standard raises a whole new set of questions.
The EU Commission calls for zero emissions - whether CO₂ or NOx, - for mobility in the future. The automotive industry expressly embraces this goal. Yet the forthcoming Euro7 standard raises a whole new set of questions.
- Topics
- European Agenda
- Emissions legislation for cars
Emissions legislation for cars - and their impact on the automotive industry
The current emissions legislation for cars and light commercial vehicles (Euro 6) has been in force since September 2015; for heavy commercial vehicles (EURO VI), since as early as 2013. This legislation has been gradually adapted and extended over the past few years.
The Commission now plans to draw up a modern and consolidated follow-up regulation (Euro 7/VII). With this revision, the Commission hopes to support the zero-pollution ambition of the European Green Deal and accelerate the transition to sustainable and smart mobility.
The Commission has almost completed its preparatory work, and a proposed regulation is expected by the end of 2021. The Euro 7 emissions standards will not come into force before 2025.