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- European Agenda
- Zero Pollution Action Plan

European Agenda
EU Commission reifies goal of emission-free environment
The Zero Pollution Action Plan aims to make ecosystems healthy by 2050. Among other measures, this is to be achieved with the new Euro7/VII emissions standards.
The Zero Pollution Action Plan aims to make ecosystems healthy by 2050. Among other measures, this is to be achieved with the new Euro7/VII emissions standards.
- Topics
- European Agenda
- Zero Pollution Action Plan
Zero Pollution Action Plan
As part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has set the goal of a zero-pollution environment. The Commission reified this target in May 2021 with a Zero Pollution Action Plan. This plan of action represents the Commission's zero-pollution vision for 2050: Air, water, and soil pollution are to be reduced to a level that is no longer harmful to health and natural ecosystems. In the plan, the Commission also sets out six intermediate targets for 2030, accompanied by a catalog of measures to realize these aims. These measures include a revision of the air quality guidelines in 2022 as well as the new vehicle emissions standards (Euro 7/VII).