
    VDA e-charging network ranking

    The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) presents the first electric charging network ranking for the whole of Germany. The ranking reflects the density of the publicly accessible charging network for e-cars and is therefore a key factor for people when switching to e-mobility.

    The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) presents the first electric charging network ranking for the whole of Germany. The ranking reflects the density of the publicly accessible charging network for e-cars and is therefore a key factor for people when switching to e-mobility.

    The S Value

    The VDA charging network ranking uses the S value to show how many electric cars currently have to share a fast charging point. According to the definition of the Federal Network Agency, a charging point is considered a fast charging point if it has a capacity of more than 22 kilowatts.

    Charging network ranking of the federal states as of July 1, 2023 according to S value

    Rank Federal state E-car inventory Fast charging points S Value Rank change vs Jan 23 Difference fast charging points vs Jan 23
    1 Thüringen 29.261 607 48,2 0 173
    2 Sachsen-Anhalt 25.719 514 50,0 0 162
    3 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 18.039 354 51,0 0 132
    4 Sachsen 52.597 772 68,1 0 175
    5 Brandenburg 40.553 552 73,5 0 187
    6 Schleswig-Holstein 68.879 820 84,0 0 251
    7 Rheinland-Pfalz 99.276 1.080 91,9 0 331
    8 Niedersachsen 196.529 2.024 97,1 0 586
    9 Bayern 380.440 3.689 103,1 0 1.176
    Deutschland 2.057.967 18.577 110,8 5.324
    10 Hamburg 48.232 397 121,5 2 102
    11 Berlin 55.714 447 124,6 0 108
    12 Baden-Württemberg 339.434 2.672 127,0 -2 564
    13 Nordrhein-Westfalen 462.877 3.141 147,4 1 943
    14 Bremen 11.641 78 149,2 -1 20
    15 Hessen 203.658 1.309 155,6 0 397
    16 Saarland 22.966 121 189,8 0 17

    The VDA charging network ranking is based on data from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) on the number of charging points in German districts and cities as of July 1, 2023 and from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) on the number of cars and electric cars, also as of July 1, 2023.

    Sources: Federal Motor Transport Authority, Federal Network Agency, VDA calculation